Siapa Trelawny?

Selasa, 21 September 2010

Jonathan Trelawny (1650 - 1721) adalah salah satu dari tujuh uskup dipenjarakan di Menara London oleh James II pada tahun 1688. Born at Pelynt into an old Cornish family, his father, the 2nd Baronet of Trelawne, was a supporter of the Royalist cause during the English Civil War. Lahir di Pelynt menjadi keluarga Cornish tua, ayahnya, Baronet 2 Trelawne, adalah pendukung penyebab Royalis selama Perang Saudara Inggris.

Jonathan was ordained a priest in 1676, and in 1685 was appointed Bishop of Bristol. Jonathan ditahbiskan menjadi seorang imam di 1676, dan pada 1685 diangkat sebagai Uskup Bristol.

In an age of religious intolerance, when Protestant England feared the might of her Catholic neighbours, the Catholic James II reversed the pragmatic policy of his predecessor, Charles II, by appointing Catholics to high office -- for example, as Lord Lieutenant of Ireland and Chief Admiral of the navy. Dalam usia intoleransi agama, ketika Inggris Protestan takut mungkin tetangga Katolik nya, Katolik James II membalik kebijakan pragmatis pendahulunya, Charles II, dengan menunjuk Katolik ke kantor tinggi - misalnya, sebagai Tuhan Letnan Irlandia dan Chief Admiral angkatan laut. In 1687, James challenged the authority of the Church of England by setting out a Declaration of Indulgence towards Catholics; the following year, he instituted a second Declaration, this time directing it to be read in every church. Pada 1687, James menantang otoritas Gereja Inggris dengan menetapkan sebuah Deklarasi Indulgensi terhadap Katolik; pada tahun berikutnya, ia mengadakan Deklarasi kedua, kali ini mengarahkan untuk dibaca di setiap gereja. Seven bishops, including Trelawny, presented the king with a petition against the reading. Tujuh uskup, termasuk Trelawny, raja disajikan dengan sebuah petisi terhadap membaca. James reacted by imprisoning the bishops in the Tower. James bereaksi dengan memenjarakan para uskup di Menara.

Fearing a popular demonstration, James had the bishops transported by river to Traitors' Gate in the royal barge. Takut demonstrasi populer, James para uskup diangkut oleh sungai untuk 'Gerbang Pengkhianat di kerajaan tongkang. On the way, spectators waded into the river to receive the bishops' blessing, and the Tower Warders knelt inside the gate as they landed. Dalam perjalanan, penonton menyeberang ke sungai untuk menerima uskup 'berkat, dan Menara berlutut di gerbang sipir saat mereka mendarat. The guards that night drank a toast to their health. Para penjaga malam bersulang minum untuk kesehatan mereka.

In Cornwall, the news of the arrest of their Bishop was greeted with anger and dismay. Di Cornwall, berita tentang penangkapan Uskup mereka disambut dengan kemarahan dan cemas. "And shall Trelawny die?" "Dan Trelawny akan mati?" asked the Cornish. tanya Cornish. But at this time there were no twenty thousand Cornishmen able to march on London to effect his release. Tapi saat ini tidak ada dua puluh ribu Cornishmen mampu berbaris di London untuk efek pembebasannya. The Cornish had given so much to the Royalist cause during the Civil War that they were exhausted. The Cornish telah memberikan banyak kepada penyebab Royalis selama Perang Saudara bahwa mereka lelah. After overcoming the English at Stratton, the Cornish regiments had marched eastwards to capture Taunton, Bridgwater, and Bath. Setelah mengatasi Inggris di Stratton, resimen Cornish telah berjalan ke arah timur untuk menangkap Taunton, Bridgwater, dan Bath. They had figured prominently in the taking of Bristol, but their losses had been severe, especially among their leaders. Mereka sangat menonjol dalam pengambilan Bristol, tapi kerugian mereka telah parah, terutama di kalangan para pemimpin mereka. The Cornish Army's loyalty had been to its leaders, and not to the English commanders who now exerted authority. Cornish's Army loyalitas itu pernah ke pemimpinnya, dan tidak untuk para komandan Inggris yang sekarang diberikan otoritas. The survivors of the Cornish regiments headed home. Although depleted in numbers, they yet managed to overcome Dorchester, Weymouth, Portland, Bideford, Barnstaple, Exeter, and Dartmouth. Yang selamat dari resimen Cornish pulang. Meskipun habis dalam jumlah, mereka belum berhasil mengatasi Dorchester, Weymouth, Portland, Bideford, Barnstaple, Exeter, dan Dartmouth. Almost single-handed, the Cornish had taken on the rest of the South West counties and won many famous battles. Hampir satu tangan, yang Cornish telah diambil pada sisa negara Barat Selatan dan memenangkan banyak pertempuran terkenal. ( Feats later to be emulated on the rugby field! ) (Feats kemudian akan ditiru di lapangan rugby!)

On 30th June, 1688, the seven bishops were brought before the King's Bench in Westminster Hall and charged with seditious libel. To cheers in Westminster Hall, and in the streets of London, they were acquitted. Pada 30 Juni 1688, tujuh uskup dibawa sebelum King's Bench di Westminster Hall dan didakwa dengan fitnah hasutan. Untuk cheers di Westminster Hall, dan di jalan-jalan di London, mereka dibebaskan. News of the acquittal produced scenes of great joy. Berita pembebasan yang dihasilkan adegan sukacita. In Bristol, the church bells rang out and fires were lit in many parts of the city. Di Bristol, lonceng gereja terdengar dan kebakaran dinyalakan di banyak bagian kota. When the news reached Cornwall, the church bells of Pelynt rang and the mayor fired the two town cannons. Ketika berita itu sampai Cornwall, lonceng gereja dari Pelynt berdering dan walikota meriam menembakkan dua kota.

The imprisonment and acquittal of the seven bishops became an important milestone in English history. Penahanan dan pembebasan dari tujuh uskup menjadi tonggak penting dalam sejarah Inggris. Soon afterwards, William of Orange, with the approval of the Church of England, took the throne. Tak lama kemudian, William dari Orange, dengan persetujuan dari Gereja Inggris, naik takhta. James II fled the country, never to return. James II melarikan diri negeri, tidak pernah kembali. Trelawny went on to become Bishop of Exeter, and then Bishop of Winchester. Trelawny kemudian menjadi Uskup Exeter, dan kemudian Uskup Winchester.

When Trelawny was imprisoned in the Tower, the Cornish asked "the reason why". Ketika Trelawny dipenjarakan di Menara, yang Cornish bertanya "alasan mengapa". These words are thought to be an echo of a much older popular ballad, possibly from the time of the " An Gof " rebellion of 1497. Kata-kata ini dianggap gema dari balada populer yang lebih tua banyak, mungkin dari saat " Sebuah GOF pemberontakan "dari 1497.

In the nineteenth century, the poet RS Hawker , vicar of Morwenstow, published anonymously The Song of the Western Men , based on the imprisonment of Trelawny and the reaction in Cornwall. Pada abad kesembilan belas, penyair RS Hawker , wakil Morwenstow, diterbitkan secara anonim Nyanyian Men Barat , berdasarkan penjara dari Trelawny dan reaksi di Cornwall. The poem was set to music. Trelawny , as it is now known, has become the Cornish national anthem. Puisi itu diatur ke musik. Trelawny , seperti yang sekarang dikenal, telah menjadi lagu kebangsaan Cornish.

An Gof Sebuah GOF

A name perpetual and a fame permanent and immortal Sebuah nama abadi dan ketenaran yang permanen dan abadi

In 1497, the Cornish people twice rose up against central authority. Pada 1497, orang-orang Cornish dua kali bangkit melawan pemerintah pusat. The first uprising started in May at St Keverne, under the leadership of the local blacksmith, Michael Joseph, in protest against excessive taxation levied by Henry VII to fund wars against the Scots. ( An Gof is Cornish for "blacksmith". Incidentally, Angove is still a common surname in Cornwall -- a former coach of the Cornish rugby squad is named Phil Angove.) Joined at Bodmin by the lawyer Thomas Flamank, and by people from all over Cornwall, a host of about 15,000 marched all the way to London. Pemberontakan pertama dimulai pada bulan Mei di St Keverne, di bawah kepemimpinan dari pandai besi lokal, Michael Joseph, sebagai protes terhadap perpajakan yang berlebihan dipungut oleh Henry VII untuk dana perang melawan Skotlandia Cornish. (Sebuah GOF adalah untuk "tukang besi". Kebetulan, Angove masih merupakan nama umum di Cornwall - mantan pelatih tim rugby Cornish yang bernama Phil Angove.) Bergabung di Bodmin oleh pengacara Thomas Flamank, dan oleh orang-orang dari seluruh Cornwall, sejumlah sekitar 15.000 berbaris sepanjang jalan menuju London.

Contemporary documents show the march to have been quite peaceful as it passed through England. Kontemporer menunjukkan dokumen perjalanan yang telah cukup damai, ketika melintasi Inggris. Many villages were fined for feeding the rebels, and many English people joined the march along the way. Banyak desa didenda untuk makan para pemberontak, dan orang-orang Inggris banyak yang bergabung berbaris di sepanjang jalan.

The Cornish marched to the gates of London. The Cornish berbaris ke gerbang kota London. On 17th June, 1497, at Blackheath, 15,000 Cornish faced 25,000 troops of the King. Pada 17 Juni 1497, di Blackheath, 15.000 25.000 Cornish dihadapi pasukan Raja. The Cornish lacked the horse and artillery possessed by the King's army, and the result was inevitable. The Cornish tidak memiliki kuda dan artileri yang dimiliki oleh Raja tentara, dan hasilnya adalah tak terelakkan. An Gof and Flamank were both captured, and on the 27th June they were hanged, drawn, and quartered. Sebuah GOF dan Flamank berdua ditangkap, dan pada 27 Juni mereka digantung,, dan dicincang. An Gof is recorded as saying, on the way to his death, that he would have a name perpetual and a fame permanent and immortal . Sebuah GOF dicatat sebagai berkata, dalam perjalanan menuju kematiannya, bahwa ia akan memiliki nama abadi dan ketenaran permanen dan abadi. To this day, the 27th June is celebrated by the Cornish as An Gof day, with annual events in Bodmin, St Keverne, and London. ( 1997 was the 500th anniversary of the An Gof uprising. A commemorative march was held, which retraced the route of the original march from St Keverne to London. ) Untuk hari ini, 27 Juni dirayakan oleh Cornish sebagai Sebuah hari GOF, dengan acara tahunan di Bodmin, St Keverne, dan London. (1997 adalah ulang tahun ke 500 dari pemberontakan GOF An. Sebuah pawai peringatan diadakan, yang menelusuri kembali rute perjalanan asli dari St Keverne ke London.)

The Cornish rose a second time in September, 1497, when Perkin Warbeck landed in Cornwall, claiming to be the rightful heir to the throne. The Cornish bangkit untuk kedua kalinya pada bulan September, 1497, saat Perkin Warbeck mendarat di Cornwall, yang mengaku menjadi pewaris sah takhta. 6,000 flocked to his banner and followed him to Exeter and Taunton -- before Warbeck's courage failed and he fled. 6.000 berbondong-bondong untuk banner dan mengikutinya ke Exeter dan Taunton - sebelum's keberanian Warbeck gagal dan dia melarikan diri.

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